No more coffee for me~ V8 it works~!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hug first---don't ask later!

A little backward here..stinky sour smell, lead to finding our fiendish midnight scoundrel, found fried to a the back of the stove unit...blech.........many kudos to Mr. Brian for having the tools and know how to remove the back panel of the stove and the stomach to remove the perpetrator...
Sam continues to mend after his tonsil/adnoid-ectomies...Many Kudos to Dr. Afman and the staff at the Southwest Center St. Mary's campus for a great experience and helping us along, hopefully everything keeps moving on positively~!Still finding even after lots of scripts, luckily Mom power still prevails with lots of attention and campouts on the couch...even though this is killing his 5yo sister :)
I am currently listening to an 18 year old and 5 year old fight over who is better at games on the wii......
My tally currently ranks at hearing "mom, mommy, mama, MOTHER!!, MOOoooommmm.....!!! at about 5000 hits today...
and yes..I am blessed that my children have the gift of speech, as my good friend Kathy Ryan reminds me of lest I forget~
Final thing that I feel I should share...this past year, I have tried to step out of my comfort zone a do something when no one else is, or would even notice...things that I may see and think to myself "hmm..I should ask that lady if she needs help getting things into her car"...sure, I may be in a hurry, or in a buggy mood, but if the very thought crosses my mind- I need to act, seriously it takes no more than a few moments to help another person or make them feel noticed-cared for-special---you may be the only person that they speak to all day or get attention from---I heard a great concept this year...for those who are daily strangers, family members, co-workers, etc...even those who try our happy vibes..HUG 'EM WITH YOUR will keep a positive attitude and the person(s) you are with will feel good to be with your happy self, start to mellow out, or walk away thinking you are crazy~

1 comment:

  1. um..noticing missed point: HUG EM WITH YOUR TEETH
    ~smile a lot! don't bite people :)
