No more coffee for me~ V8 it works~!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

watch her at allll times....

Oh boy...or should I say oh girl....As all of us who know Kaelin, and love the funny things she says, I seriously cannot let my guard down. Luckily I have crafted techniques such as:
1. Be on the look out for anyone who might look the least bit odd in her reference.
2. Be ready to talk a lot louder than her so the innocent subject cannot hear what is being said about them.
3. Be quick and speedy with a hand to cover her mouth or remove her from the to be had "scene"
4. Fall back on a coughing attack.
5. Give a knowing look and grin...

Let's see...Today we seen quite a few friends and co workers that we have not seen since before Christmas. Everyone naturally asks her what she got for Christmas, in which she answers " a white Teddy Bear", this is the only things she asked for for Christmas and the only answer she gave leading up to Christmas when asked by family, friends, strangers, and Santa himself. So she is really liking this bear. She does have another answer, which is "a Man shoveling poop"...this answer requires me to go into a longer explanation of that it is a small figurine, she asked for it for her birthday when shoppping, I forgot, promised it for Christmas, she received it in her "Bear thing that hangs on the hook" her words (which also need explaining--Christmas Stocking). She was so happy to get that little guy and sharing her joy with others...yet, when we are in Jody's (local restaurant) it is not so easy for the Mom to get this story across to a 90+ year old lady who cannot hear so well, while we are in line ordering, and who wants to really hear about poop when you're trying to think of what you want for lunch. While sitting and eating lunch, I had to refer to tactic #1 & #2 (we are not discussing bathroom habits anymore)...when another very elderly couple is walking to their table, misjudges distance and turnability a bit and kind of leans on our table. Now I could see her scoping them out from the moment they started down the aisle and was all set for the lean was in process, so was a Kaelin scrunched up nose and big pointy finger---"is that lady OLLDD?" so I invented #6 which was shaking my head back and forth.. no,no, I did then go into yes she is an older lady, why we ask Mom questions quietly...I can see her letting this sink in..I'm feeling good points going up on the Mom scale..."but why do they look so strange?...are they going to be dead?" ugh time to go...
So off we are to Meijers, which has been a point of a lot of drama and why why why can't I get this or this or this for the months leading up to Christmas. So today, she said right up front, "I know I am not getting a toy, I just got a lot of stuff for Christmas" AMEN! SCORE! So instead as we walked through she questioned me on everything from balloons to gum to vitamins asking if they were toys...all replied with her new favorite word when told no "dannggit..."...Many of our Meijer visit culminate in being in the check out aisle hot and tired and wanting things in the checkout aisle...I have to be on the super look out at this time, and I as I am typing this, realize that I scope out the cashiers to see who is the least likely to be asked some odd question or told someones thoughts about themselves! So checkout time sounded a little like this (all with checkout lane item fun):
Kaelin,"Can I get the puppies some treats?"
Mom, "No."
Kaelin, "dannggit..."
Kaelin, "Can I get some candy?"
Mom, "No."
Kaelin, "dannggit..."
Kaelin, "Can I get Sam some candy?"
Mom, "No."
Kaelin, "dannggit..."
Kaelin, "what are these?"
Mom, "Sport cards?"
Kaelin, "Aww I never had sport cards before, can I get some of those?"
Mom, "No."
Kaelin, "dannggit...I'm hot, can I ride the horse, can we get a movie, can we--?"
ok, I have really had enough..and although I realize it is nap time, this needs to stop- I let her know as much and am now paying attention to putting my own groceries up on the belt...and apparently letting my Kaelin radar down..
This little peerson, has her back to me and is squinting away giving the guy in line ahead of me the evil eye and taking her two fingers to her eyes and then pointing them out to him...real slow..and nodding her head "I got my eye on you"....he looks from her to me, like "really lady, what is wrong with you?" HA- lots! So with that Kaelinism update I am heading to my ex-husbands to have a sit down with our oldest to discuss her college career and pick up the puppies ( that I in no way asked for) to bring home for a week's stay, as for tomorrow they( ex- and kids) are leaving to go to Disneyland...that is no joke or the strangest thing this week for sure, but first, I will pick up a V8!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hug first---don't ask later!

A little backward here..stinky sour smell, lead to finding our fiendish midnight scoundrel, found fried to a the back of the stove unit...blech.........many kudos to Mr. Brian for having the tools and know how to remove the back panel of the stove and the stomach to remove the perpetrator...
Sam continues to mend after his tonsil/adnoid-ectomies...Many Kudos to Dr. Afman and the staff at the Southwest Center St. Mary's campus for a great experience and helping us along, hopefully everything keeps moving on positively~!Still finding even after lots of scripts, luckily Mom power still prevails with lots of attention and campouts on the couch...even though this is killing his 5yo sister :)
I am currently listening to an 18 year old and 5 year old fight over who is better at games on the wii......
My tally currently ranks at hearing "mom, mommy, mama, MOTHER!!, MOOoooommmm.....!!! at about 5000 hits today...
and yes..I am blessed that my children have the gift of speech, as my good friend Kathy Ryan reminds me of lest I forget~
Final thing that I feel I should share...this past year, I have tried to step out of my comfort zone a do something when no one else is, or would even notice...things that I may see and think to myself "hmm..I should ask that lady if she needs help getting things into her car"...sure, I may be in a hurry, or in a buggy mood, but if the very thought crosses my mind- I need to act, seriously it takes no more than a few moments to help another person or make them feel noticed-cared for-special---you may be the only person that they speak to all day or get attention from---I heard a great concept this year...for those who are daily strangers, family members, co-workers, etc...even those who try our happy vibes..HUG 'EM WITH YOUR will keep a positive attitude and the person(s) you are with will feel good to be with your happy self, start to mellow out, or walk away thinking you are crazy~

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ho ho ho...oh oh oh...

Oh what a week this is turning out to be...what was I thinking...
First off, still adjusting to living out of the city. Learning in the ins and outs of Septic, Softners, and Propane....mental note to self..try to never need to fill the tank the week of Christmas, this is not a cheap endeavor! Second note, it only sounds like a good idea to make 8:30 a.m. dental appointments for the kids during Christmas break, when your making it 6 months prior...Lastly, Sam is having his tonsils out tomorrow and Brian may need minor surgery this week...oiy!
Saturday I thought I was getting the flu and was down and out..which means I am double timing it on last minute ( ok, all most all of it) Christmas shopping today! Getting ready to head out with Emilee and tackle some things on the list.
For those in the know of Kaelin and her wacky ways...she did great for her first dentist appointment! For some reason we were all in the room ( Kourt, Sam, and I) she didn't grab the dentist or boss her around, success! She did ask the hygenist (ugh I have tried respelling that too many times)not to shoot her with the laser machine <:)
And one quick update on her highness that I didn't share on my own fb..
The other day, she walks into the kitchen, "Mom, guess what I put in my mouth?, dog food"..."Why? did you eat it?"..."No, I took it out"...two days later I am telling Emilee this...while Kaelin is listening she says"I had to get it wet for them(puppies)"...Me-"what! did you put a lot of it in your mouth?!"..Kaelin "No, just one at a time.."
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, December 16, 2011


So..I could not have asked for a duller day...until I actually mentioned to a friend this evening, that- while a busy day..nothing out of the ordinary..thought to myself..hmm...maybe venturing into this blog, I engaged in something a little out of the box..and wa la~ no craziness in the Wujkowski~Alocok abode! but in saying so and being a guest in la la land...I was also distracted from my next habitual move, which is to knock on wood or any wood-like surface, at minimal 6 times...for good measure~
reflecting on this day, I am remembering that it began sleeping on the couch...not from a dispute between Brian and myself, or even that his ever loving self didn't don a breathe strip..but, because the breathe strip cannot overcome super heavy 3 a.m. one (ok-me)is super annoyed at being woken for the 7th time for this heavy "honk-chooooo......"..this was followed by hermit crab death and other things only a mom or dad at home can reflect on later that night or 15 years from now...
Next up, SUPER HAPPY 5 year old who wants to talk about everything under the sun..before the sun is up :) and as we ready for preschool, the battle of what we picked out for her to wear the night before and her new obsession with wearing "what team is on tonight"..this is an area for her Dad, oldest sister Emilee, or brother Sam..yet, veteran Mama that I am..I listen & reflect..(Winter = Red Wings and red is for Christmas) this is the same child that last week asked if she had to dress up for her "singing thing" ( 4 yo Preschool Program) in which I said, "yes~ you can wear a fun dress" in which she replied "I want to wear the Detroit Lions"...and again, hmm...we came to an agreement with a sweater and khaki's..God love her, she was the loudest singer in the bunch...she never ceases to amaze me..she has a really big heart and never ending surprises for all of those who love her..our last moments of the program, were after preschoolers came to sit with parents to enjoy the rest of the show..after a couple of songs, she said to me.."Mom, don't look at me" which in Mom radar means "Dammit, I should have been looking"...and there she was..hand down the back of her khakis.."what? butt itches!" only a parent can advise their child to scratch in privacy...ours said "inside or out" until tomorrow~

Thursday, December 15, 2011

No whining~!

With the below, being said and done...Let me introduce myself. I am 39 years old. I have 5 children. The oldest four are from my first marraige which ended after 13 years. My youngest daughter is with my fiance, and we have been together for almost 7 years. The kids range in age from Preschool to a freshman in college...I have been attending preschool for almost a decade...shouldn't they award that with some type of degree for the mom?! I work for a non-profit therapeutic riding center, and if working for a non-profit doesn't take enough of your time heart and soul...we live here on the farm...and are very grateful...but all of this truly gives me enough material for, well probably forever! I am really looking forward to sharing our experiences here, being a blended family with blended.....opinions!

Because my Mom told me to....

Mouse poop....when all is said and done...this blog started with finding mouse poo in the kitchen sink...after a minute (felt waaaay longer) of standing there staring, wishing it away....well that didn't work, so freak out and call fiance, who is on the road driving a semi in wind and freezing rain, hmm also not a good choice, but he was not happy and could at least share that with me! Plan B, tell my Mom! ok, so she also could do nothing about this...but with the crazy carousel that is my life, she suggested that I start a first I stared at the text she sent me saying so, the same way I stared at mouse invasion...and then I thought why not. I already share the daily crazy antics that go on in my life on facebook and emails to those who are close enough to relate, empathize, or tell me to snap the hell out of it (totally need those people in my life) in starting this I am hoping to create a template for those who are truly interested in the daily happenings here, find a new circle of those who are experiencing the same, and of course get it all out of my head...which I am sure my family will appreciate. Looking forward to sharing